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Seat Availability

Creation Space Seats is a private category and can only be viewed at this URL. If you leave this category, you'll need to use the URL to return to it.
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Shaker Main Library, 16500 Van Aken Blvd., Shaker Heights, Ohio  44120

The Creation Spaces at Main Library consist of the Tech Studio and The Workshop. A variety of equipment can be found in these spaces for users to explore, design, create, and innovate. 

Information about the equipment can be found by clicking on the "Info" button next to each seat (equipment) name.

Before using the Tech Studio or The Workshop, a brief orientation is required that will acquaint individuals with the procedures, equipment, and software. This brief orientation may be completed in person, check the calendar for scheduled events, or viewed online.

Use of the equipment is expected to be self-directed.

Please note, time needed for setup and cleanup must be included in reserved time. Seats cannot be opened before, nor kept open after, the reserved time. 

To reserve your seat (equipment):

  1. Select the date of your reservation
  2. Select your start time on the grid on the row of the seat (equipment) you would like to reserve
  3. Below that, use the drop-down menu to select the reservation end time
  4. When your reservation is complete, Submit Times
   Available    Your Booking    Unavailable